Walkerville Community Centre
6 Pinewood Close (off Appletree Gardens), Walkerville. Newcastle upon Tyne. NE6 4SZ.
TEL: 07419982186 or 0191 2623147 (answerphone 24 hours)
"Learn the luxury of doing good"
Walkerville Community Craft Club - walkervillecrafts@gmail.com, anncasson@gmail.com
Wallsend Adventure Role-Players (W.A.R.P) - http://www.warp-club.com/index.html
(Annual membership £5, Weekly Subscription £5, £3.50 Concessions, minimum Age: 16)
Walkerville Parent & Toddler Group - contact Jenni
Dance Fit 50 Plus - contact Lynn Waugh
Walkerville Walking Club - Bryn Pringle, Margaret Mongomery
Chungdokwan (Taekwondo) - contact Angela Ritchie
Walkerville Musical Society - Christine Thompson (call/text) 07796 066316, christine@yourbloomsflorist.com
Kids on Stage - contact Joan Fothergill (call/text) 07767 312481, Joan_fothergill@hotmail.com
Pinewood Ring Craft (Dog Club) - contact Margaret (call/text) 07540 133272, Sharon
Wives Club - contact Shiela Lowrie
Longevitology - http://www.longevitology.org.uk, Susan Lee (call/text) 07474 689327, Yvonne Wang (call/text) 07956 772344
Truth Seekers North East - contact Maureen Waters (call/text) 07986 575607, mewwaters@gmail.com
Over 50's Group - contact Gwen Snee
Appletree Wing Chun Kung Fu - wingchunpaul66@gmail.com
(Closed door training, members only - contact for details)
WW (The new weight watchers) - contact Paul Fairlamb