Walkerville Community Centre
6 Pinewood Close (off Appletree Gardens), Walkerville. Newcastle upon Tyne. NE6 4SZ.
TEL: 07419982186 or 0191 2623147 (answerphone 24 hours)
"Learn the luxury of doing good"
Walkerville Art Group
The Art Group has been running at Walkerville Community Centre for about 7 years. It's a friendly mixed group of people with varying levels of skills and talent. Don't be out off if you think you can't draw/paint. Remember...
"Artists aren't born, they are made"
Previous experience isn't needed, just the enthusiasm to learn and mix. All you need to bring is yourself and some basic material. A sketch book, pencil, paints, whatever is relevant to you.
The group is friendly and enthusiastic and very happy and willing to give advice and help if needed.
We meet on a Monday from 12.30 - 3pm and the cost is £3.50 per week.
If you are interested please contact: Peter Booth (0191 2638733) or by email: franceslindsaybooth85@gmail.com
Walkerville Art Group Exhibition Dates at Wallsend Library
All of May 2019
All of November 2019
All of April 2020
All of November 2020