Walkerville Community Centre
6 Pinewood Close (off Appletree Gardens), Walkerville. Newcastle upon Tyne. NE6 4SZ.
TEL: 07419982186 or 0191 2623147 (answerphone 24 hours)
"Learn the luxury of doing good"
Walkerville Walking Group
Do you enjoy a walk in the countryside? We have a walk every fortnight to try. We meet at the Centre at 9:45am and are taken by minibus to the starting point of the pre-arranged walk. Each of the planned outings goes through our stunning Nothumberland or Durham countryside, and ends at a country pub for refreshments. Then we are collected by the minibus and returned back to the Centre.
We meet at Walkerville Community Centre, 6 Pinewood Close (off Appletree Gardens), Walkerville, Newcastle upon Tyne. NE6 4SZ
2019 Walks
27th March - Halton Shields to Wall
10th April - Ushaw Moor
24th April - Conniscliffe circular
8th May - Craster to Alnmouth
22nd May - Broccolitia to Wark