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Walkerville Community Centre
6 Pinewood Close (off Appletree Gardens), Walkerville. Newcastle upon Tyne. NE6 4SZ.
TEL: 07419982186 or 0191 2623147 (answerphone 24 hours)
"Learn the luxury of doing good"
Over 50's Group
Are you over 50 and live in the Newcastle East area? Why not join Walkerville Over 50's Group?
Meet new people, stay active and have fun. It's the perfect way to make new friends and link up with people!
Enjoy gentle exercises, quizzes, bingo, refreshments and regular away days.
We meet 1:30pm to 3:30pm every Tuesday afternoon in Walkerville Community Centre, 6 Pinewood Close (off Appletree Gardens), Walkerville, Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 4SZ.
Gwen Snee
Mobile/text: 07500 623864
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